Are you or a loved one experiencing a mental health emergency? Do you need someone to talk to at a moment's notice?
Please call 911, go to your nearest emergency room, or call your county's crisis line. Crisis intervention lines are available to anyone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pennsylvania county crisis lines are listed below.
Allegheny County Resolve Crisis Line: 1-888-796-8226
Butler County Crisis Line: 1-800-292-3866
Columbia, Montour, Snyder, and Union Counties Crisis System: 1-800-222-9016
Venango County Emergency Contact Line: 1-814-432-9111
Warren/Forest Crisis Lines: 1-814-726-8413 (8:30 am-5 pm) or 1-800-406-1255 (evenings, weekends, holidays)
Washington County: 1-877-225-3567
Wayne County (NHS Human Services of Northeast PA): 1-570-282-1732 ext. 1
Westmoreland County: 1-800-836-6010
Wyoming County: 1-888-829-1341
York County: 1-717-851-5320